
You are the new guy in Hell's offices. Your entry job is to monitor the Purgatory Conveyor and ensure that newcommers are assigned to their respective punishment. 

Those who escape from you will have a chance for redemption. Your boss is taking a chance on you and will not let you pass more than 6 of them. 

Controls Supported

Keyboard and Mouse

  • Pistons: D,F,J,K.
  • Pause: Space / Esc


A high score game that demands quick reflex. 

You need to push sinners to their proper punishment using the keys assigned for each oven. You will earn 1 point for each correct one.

Management will shutdown ovens randomly, has part of the Amnesty agreement above. So during that tile those sinners who have passed their respective ovens will be pardoned automaticly. Good thing for you since they don't count against you.

The game ends once 6 sinners have been saved. 

Win / Loose Conditions

  • Win: None. It's a high score game.
  • Loose: 6 saved sinners.


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Too simple

There should be some penalty for sorting incorrectly.

Another thing: random closing of ovens doesn't add anything into the gameplay except some randomness (which is typically not good) and it's not satisfying when you pushed someone correctly, but it didn't work out just because of randomness


Agree that is a simple game, for a game jam I was looking to setup a single strong mechanic, easy to play.

The game needs a more tune difficulty and add some extra layers of complexity, while keeping it simple. Initially I had a penalty for wrong sorting, but it came to punishing, considering people will try it for a few minutes and move to the next game, I wanted to keep a feel of archivement instead of dread. If I make this as a standalone mobile game, then I can think of other ways to make it more punishing and rewarding.